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8 results

Salesforce Developer AICPA Durham About the Role: Responsible for designing, developing, and implementing custom solutions on the Salesforce...

Information Technology

About the role Responsible for researching, planning, and executing effective strategies and programs that will lead to enhanced retention, student.....

About the Role: Responsible for designing, implementing, and maintaining middleware solutions within an organization. Plays a critical role in...

Information Technology

Quality Assurance Analyst AICPA Durham, North Carolina Highly motivated skilled individual who is responsible for managing, implementing, and...

Information Technology

About the Role: Lead the global tax and compliance activities of the Association and its affiliated entities, with operations in over 20 countries....

About the Role: Write accurate, precise content on technical accounting and finance topics that fulfills the requirements of the target audience....

About the Role: This team supporting CGMA candidates with their studies and their learning journey to earn the prestigious CGMA designation. We...

About the Role: Perform recruitment plans and activities of new students and manage revenue-generating activities to provide a steady stream of...

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